Haere Maama - Tiaki Whaea Papa: Mena kei te whakamahere koe ki te tiki i tetahi o nga whiringa iti ka whakahuahia e ahau i raro nei, koinei te huarahi e whakaora ai koe i te whenua whaea. Tuatahi, ka korero mo te hiko ma, ara, te puna o te kaha e kore e poke i to tatou ao. Ko te mea nui e pa ana ki tenei ka taea te whakaoti me te miihini hiko poutū. Ka pupuhi te hau, ka kohia te kaha o taua hau e enei mihini hei hanga mana e whakamahia ana mo o tatou kainga, kura ranei ahakoa pakihi. Ko tenei panui, me whakaatu e au i roto i nga umanga pai ake e hanga ana i enei momo whakaputa hau hurihuri poutū me nga whenua Pakeha.
Ko te mea tuatahi e whakamahia nuitia ana mo nga rangatira whare me nga pakihi iti - ko te iti ake o te kaha, ka taea te whakanoho i nga turbine SSP VAWT ki runga i te tuanui, he pai rawa te whakaputa hau poutū. Pai—kare e rite Jiangsu DHC he maku i muri o nga taringa; kua neke atu i te rua tekau tau ratou ki te whakapai i o raatau hua. He waitohu pono na te mea ka hangaia e ratou nga mira hau tika e tika ana mo o raatau kaupapa me te rere mo nga tau i te mutunga. Kaihanga hau whare: He waahi pai mo Jiangsu DHC.
The S****** is hanga hau he puoro hau poutū mo te taone nui. Mo nga turbine hauhautanga, e mohio ana koe me pai ano te ahua, ko te tumanako ka noho tata ki te taha o te taupori nui. Mo te hunga e hiahia ana ki te hanga i a raatau ake hiko kawe me te noho ki tetahi taone e kore e moe, ko o raatau hikoi hau te mea ka pai ki a koe. Kei reira nga miihini hau paku hei whakahaere i te whakamahinga o te hiko ma e nga tangata takitahi, nga hinonga ranei i roto i te waahi iti.
Europe gets its tallest vertical wind generators from the T******. This is important as taller turbines can catch higher altitude winds which in turn produce more energy. We understand that many of the times larger businesses or government buildings consume way too much energy to appropriately run, they are ideal for wind turbines. Task too tough for this solar stack system.
The F****** is able to provide you straight tread mill wind extremely generators well suited for those people residing in the actual city or perhaps distant locations. The turbines are practically silent, and they take up a relatively unobtrusive footprint so would make an electricity generator that fits in with the rural landscape suitably. For those who loves nature and wants to power themselves.
Ko Spain te emepaea o te tino whakamere me te tino pai rawa atu kete hanga hau kainga. The F****** designs and builds the most powerful turbines of cutting-edge technological efficiency, high durability, maximum authorized intervention capacity with minimum visual impact. They may make clean energy from the wind generators, but they also look great in your backyard or on your roof. If you want to put green energy and beauty together.
Takaia na roto i te whiriwhiringa mo nga Kaihanga Turbine Hau Tuaka Poutū Pai rawa atu i Uropi
Na, ko enei nga kaihanga hiko tuaka poutū e rima o runga i Uropi. Mena kei te noho koe i te taone iti o California, i LA ranei, ka riro ma enei kapohiko hau e utu to whare mo te wa kotahi. Ma te whakamahi i te puna hiko ma, ka taea pea e tatou te hauora pai mo etahi rau tau kei te heke mai. He huarahi pai ki te tiaki i te whenua.