Tn Touch-г аваарай

20 киловаттын салхин турбин

For many of us, wind is something we feel when we are outside. But do you think, that wind can be converted to energy? That's right! One of the ways we can utilize wind power is with this 20 kilowatt wind turbine. And in this blog, we will know more about the interesting technology and how it benefits us completely.

    20 kW wind turbine technology-road map:

    At its core, a wind turbine is nothing more than a device that harnesses the power of moving air to generate electricity. Wind turbine of 20 kilowatt is a wind mill that produces exact amount of Energy i.e. 20 KW. So what is a kilowatt anyway? Up there in the divine vocabulary of energy, kilowatts are how much power something makes. As a rough guide, 20 kilowatts wind turbines is enough to run an average home completely by itself.

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