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People depended on fossil fuels such as coal and gas to produce electricity long time ago. Fossil fuels are substances found in the ground and used to create energy. The only catch is burning these fuels can be bad for the air and environment. However, today we have a photovoltaic system which can produce electricity without these fuels — much more environmentally friendly. So, let us educate ourselves about this wonderful technology.

Solar panels on a roof.Hosting some form of photovoltaic system, where you gather up that sunlight and turn it into electricity to run our homes with. How does it work? Solar panels are a component of electricity-generating cells, known as photovoltaic (PV) technology; these semiconductors power solar photo-voltaics by converting sunlight energy straight into electrical currents. A key material for making these cells is known as silicon, which comes from sand. That’s right! Silicon is in the sand we see on beaches and in deserts, which can aid to clean energy sources.

    How Photovoltaic Systems Work

    But how does a photovoltaic system actually work? The sun works by shining light down onto a photovoltaic cell, which causes an electric field to be created within the layers of that specific material. An electric field causes tiny particles—electrons, in this case—to shuffle. The electricity travels through wires to the place where we use it in our homes and buildings. Star Wars-level beautiful science.

    It is also often used as the class of panels that can produce clean energy — photovoltaic systems. Unlike fossil fuels, which create greenhouse gasses in the air such as carbon; causing pollution for both earth and mankind, a photovoltaic system merely creates electricity without any form of pollutant whatsoever. Since they run on the light and warmth from our sun rather than a combustible fuel, we can expect that as long as the only star around keep shining solar panels power plants have all life-supporting needs to provide us with electricity. Which is key for the health of our planet!

    Why choose Jiangsu DHC photovoltaic system?

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