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product ce 3kw three phase on grid wind controller  inverter with mppt function-44

Krmilnik vetra

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Trifazni 3KW 5KW 10KW krmilnik vetra v omrežju in pretvornik z MPPT Slovenija

Jiangsu DHC
DHC has brought you an item  great will help one to harness the effectiveness of wind and transform it into electricity. The CE 3KW Three stage On Grid Wind Controller and Inverter with MPPT function includes gr...
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Jiangsu DHC


DHC has brought you an item  great will help one to harness the effectiveness of wind and transform it into electricity. The CE 3KW Three stage On Grid Wind Controller and Inverter with MPPT function includes great benefits making it the best products and services available on the market.


This is a wind that is three-phase and inverter utilising the energy that is maximum monitoring (MPPT) function. The item is by using the ability of monitoring the utmost energy point for this wind mill, which doing your best with the production energy from the wind turbine utilizing the MPPT function.


The CE 3KW Three stage On Grid Wind Controller and Inverter is very simple to work with. It boils down insurance firms a clear and screen that is user-friendly making it super easy to arranged and run. In addition has LED indicators that demonstrate the status when it comes to system that is functional a look.


The product is trusted in wind generator systems that create electricity become given into the grid. The CE 3KW Three stage On Grid Wind Controller and Inverter works completely with wind generators that have a charged energy production all of the  option to 3KW.


The CE 3KW Three stage On Grid Wind Controller and Inverter is made to do business with harmony with wind mill systems which are many. It features a control that is sophisticated that guarantees the wind mill is efficient and dependable.


The security with this item is fully guaranteed. This has a computerized security system that may shut the wind mill system down in case there is certainly any fault or overload. These devices comes with lightning that is integrated to safeguard against any voltage surges.


opis izdelka
CE 3KW Three phase On Grid Wind Controller & Inverter with MPPT function

product ce 3kw three phase on grid wind controller  inverter with mppt function-57

ES-WWGIT Series is wind power grid-tied controller & inverter integrated machine with MPPT function. It looks concise and can be easily operated
Tehnični Parameter
’s specific demand
Vhod vetrne turbine
Nazivna vhodna moč
3 kWh
5 kWh
Maks. vhodno moč
4.5 kWh
7.5 kWh
Nazivna vhodna napetost
MPPT napetostno območje
100Vac ~ 450Vac
Nazivni vhodni tok
Najvišji vhodni tok
Hitrost rezanja
60RPM(tovarniško privzeto,0-1499RPM nastavljivo)
Nadzor omejitve hitrosti
Elektromagnetna omejitev hitrosti
Izhod AC
Vrsta mreže
Tri faze
Nazivna izhodna moč
3 kWh
5 kWh
Maksimalna izhodna moč
3.3 kWh
5.5 kWh
Nazivna omrežna napetost
Nazivni izhodni tok
Splošni parametri
Način prikaza
Način spremljanja (neobvezno) 
> 95%
Sobna temperatura
-20 ℃ ~ + 40 ℃
Način hlajenja
Naravno hlajenje
Razred zaščite pokrova
IP65(dump load IP54
Referenčna dimenzija izdelka
416 * 536 * 250mm
416 * 536 * 250mm
Referenčna teža izdelka
Referenčna dimenzija tovora
300 * 550 * 55mm
673 * 460 * 453mm
Referenčna teža tovora
Note: Part of parameters can be adjusted according to customer

product ce 3kw three phase on grid wind controller  inverter with mppt function-58

product ce 3kw three phase on grid wind controller  inverter with mppt function-59


- Distributed wind power grid-tied system. - Solar & wind hybrid power grid-tied system. - Wind power grid-tied system
product ce 3kw three phase on grid wind controller  inverter with mppt function-60

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product ce 3kw three phase on grid wind controller  inverter with mppt function-62

Podrobnosti Slike
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product ce 3kw three phase on grid wind controller  inverter with mppt function-64

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Projektni primeri

product ce 3kw three phase on grid wind controller  inverter with mppt function-67

Prikaz primera projekta
Naše podjetje je zavezano k zagotavljanju storitev na enem mestu strankam za vetrne turbine, sončne celice, krmilnike vetra, pretvornike, baterije. Izdelki našega podjetja se prodajajo po vsem svetu. Podjetje si je pridobilo soglasno priznanje potrošnikov z zadovoljivo kakovostjo in popolno poprodajno storitvijo. Imamo strokovno ekipo, ki vam lahko pomaga rešiti vprašanja
Priporočite izdelke

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Vse vrste naših vetrnih generatorjev

V glavnem imamo več vrst zgoraj navedenih generatorjev vetrnih turbin, kot tudi sistem solarnih vetrnih turbin.
Načelo delovanja vetrne turbine je relativno preprosto. Vetrni rotor se vrti pod vplivom vetra, ki pretvarja kinetično energijo vetra v mehansko energijo gredi vetrnega rotorja, generator pa se vrti, da proizvaja električno energijo pod pogonom gredi vetrnega rotorja.
predstavitev podjetja

product ce 3kw three phase on grid wind controller  inverter with mppt function-69

Jiangsu DHC okolje SI-Tech Co., Ltd
Jiangsu DHC Environment Si-Tech Co., Ltd. je bilo ustanovljeno leta 2016 in se nahaja v mestu Suzhou v provinci Jiangsu. Posvečeni smo področju varstva okolja in novim energetskim izdelkom ter smo lansirali lastno blagovno znamko: Ever Saving in Qianyue, s ciljem varovanja okolja in varčevanja z energijo. Imamo bogate industrijske izkušnje in smo zanesljiv dobavitelj. Naša tovarna za sodelovanje ima napredno proizvodno opremo in usposobljene zaposlene na prvi liniji. Izdelki so bolj varni in trpežni, z boljšim dizajnom videza, značilnimi materiali

product ce 3kw three phase on grid wind controller  inverter with mppt function-70

Pakiranje in dostava

product ce 3kw three phase on grid wind controller  inverter with mppt function-71

Ker se zavedamo, da je razvoj podjetja odvisen od inovativnosti in kakovosti izdelkov, smo vzpostavili sistem vodenja kakovosti, ki ustreza zahtevam mednarodnega sistema vodenja kakovosti. Z nenehnim sproščanjem izvirnih inovacij v skladu s potrebami trga in kupcev, naše podjetje vedno vzdržuje novosti in inovativne izdelke, da upošteva kupčeve misli in nujnost. Zagotavljanje odličnih storitev za stranke in izpolnjevanje potreb strank sta naše večno prizadevanje!
Za boljše zagotavljanje varnosti vašega blaga bodo zagotovljene profesionalne, okolju prijazne, priročne in učinkovite embalažne storitve. product ce 3kw three phase on grid wind controller  inverter with mppt function-72
Business Card
product ce 3kw three phase on grid wind controller  inverter with mppt function-73
Do you need solutions for wind turbine system
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