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2 kVt vertikal o'qli shamol turbinasi O'zbekiston

Vertical Axis Wind Turbines (or VAWTs) have always been a bit of an odd ball, offering some unique advantages and disadvantages in the world of wind power generation.

    The Benefits of VAWTs:

    Price: VAWTs are a significantly lower cost option in comparison to other available turbines on the market, making them obtainable for all income levels. This affordability gets more people to use cleaner energy sources, and eventually opens the door for everyone to have a 100% emission-free energy system.

    Silent Operation- Unlike the conventional horizontal-axis turbines, VAWTs run whisper quiet level thus making less noise pollutions to worry about! This will enable them to play or work quietly, affirming that they are still operating efficiently using energy.

    Performance in low-wind: Unlike the more popular horizontal-axis wind turbines (HAWTs) which require moderate-to-strong winds to work best, vertical-axis wind turbines perform well at lower winds. And, their superior ability to catch wind from virtually every direction means that it will always be able to supply a steady amount of power and operate predictably.

    Comparatively low maintenance: Since they feature fewer moving parts than other types of turbines, VAWTs are easier to maintain and hence last longer with trained professionals reaching them on an often-basis.

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    Using VAWTs to Contribute to Cleaner Energy:

    Integrating VAWTs as a primary renewable energy source will have impact beyond our years and help create a much greener future.

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