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Wind Turbine and Solar Panel Combination


To capture complementing solar and wind resources, the wind turbine and solar panel combination system blends.

What is Wind Solar Hybrid System?

The wind does not always blow and the light does not always shine, solar and wind power are insufficient. Hybridizing solar and wind power sources (min wind speed 4-6m/s) with storage batteries to replace periods when there is no sun or wind is a practical method of power generation. This is known as a wind solar hybrid system.

The wind solar hybrid system generates a stand-alone energy source that is both dependable and steady. In general, these solar wind hybrid systems have limited capacities. Solar wind hybrid systems typically have power generation capacities ranging from 1 kW to 10 kW.


How to Install Wind Turbine and Solar Panel Combination?

The most significant thing you can do to improve the effectiveness of your renewable energy system is to install a wind turbine and solar panel combination system.

Setting up a wind turbine and solar panel system together is quite similar to setting up either system alone, with one key exception: your charge management board. Unless you buy a wind and solar hybrid kit that includes a compatible controller, you must carefully inspect the charge control unit to ensure that it can be used with both wind turbines and solar panels.

One of the key differences between wind turbines and solar panels is that wind turbines require an outlet to safely release surplus power, but solar panels do not. When the output of solar panels meets your demands, whether charging your batteries or powering your appliances, the system achieves balance and discards incoming power that it does not require.

Unless you’re linked to the grid, your solar panels will just rest until they’re needed again, at which point they’ll resume where they left off, no worse for the wear. This does not apply to your wind turbines. The generator of a wind turbine converts kinetic energy into electricity, and it does not respond to an equilibrium in the same way that a solar panel does. It will continue to create power as long as the wind blows and the turbine is turned on.

Excess power generated by a wind turbine with no diversion load has the potential to essentially cook your batteries. If the battery is depleted, the turbine requires another load, such as a resistor or extra batteries, to keep it engaged and from spinning out of control. Many charge controllers are designed specifically for wind turbines or solar panels and will not function if fitted with the wrong infrastructure.

With a hybrid charge controller, you can charge your batteries from both your turbines and panels. Separate controllers for turbines and panels can also be installed; a hybrid controller just allows you to run both through the same charge controller.


How to Enhance the Output of this Combination?

The installation of a hybrid system is simple. To enhance output, wind turbine and solar panel combinations should be strategically placed. Solar panels combined with a timer allow for maximum sun exposure throughout the day.

Wind turbines perform better the higher they are installed above ground. Before installing your turbine, make sure to check for any applicable zoning and permitting requirements, as they may specify a maximum height for turbines.

Along with these broad recommendations, keep in mind that your property’s individual topography and natural features may generate areas of shade or unexpected windbreaks. When configuring your system, consider the details of your property.


What are Wind Solar Hybrid System Components?

The electrical energy (DC power) generated by solar panels can be stored in batteries, used to power DC loads, or sent into an inverter to power AC loads. Solar energy is only available during the day, however, wind energy is available all day depending on the atmospheric conditions.

Because wind and solar energy complement one another, the system can provide electricity almost all year. The wind solar hybrid system’s main components include a wind turbine and tower, solar photovoltaic panels, batteries, wires, a charge controller, and an inverter. 

The Wind-Solar Hybrid System creates electricity that may be used to charge batteries and run AC appliances via an inverter. Wind turbines are mounted on towers with a minimum height of 18 meters above the ground. Because of its height, the aero-generator receives faster airflow and so generates more power.


What is the Working Principle of Wind Turbine and Solar Panel Combination?

The working principle of the solar wind hybrid system is described through these steps-

Step 1: The hybrid solar wind turbine generator combines solar panels, which gather light and convert it to energy, with wind turbines, which collect wind energy by using the basic principle of wind energy conversion.

Step 2: Instead of using two inverters, a solar wind composite power inverter has inputs for both sources and includes the necessary AC to DC transformer to charge batteries from AC generators.

Step 3: As a result, the power generated by the solar panels and wind turbine is filtered and stored in a battery bank.

Step 4: When neither the wind nor the solar system is producing power, most hybrid systems generate power via batteries and/or an engine generator driven by conventional fuels such as diesel. If the batteries run out of electricity, the engine generator can give power and replenish them.

Step 5: The addition of an engine generator complicates the system; however current electronic controllers can operate these systems automatically. A generator engine can also help to reduce the size of the system’s other components.

Step 6: Keep in mind that the storage capacity must be sufficient to meet electrical requirements during non-charging periods. Battery banks are normally sized to provide power for one to three days.
